
Does Being an Authorized User Affect Your Credit

does being an authorized user affect your credit


Understanding the nuances of credit is crucial for financial health. One often debated topic is the role of being an authorized user on someone else’s credit card account. Does it influence your credit score? Let’s dissect the effects and implications of this financial decision.

What is an Authorized User?

An authorized user is a person given permission to use another individual’s credit card account. While they can make purchases, they aren’t responsible for repaying any debt accumulated on the card. The primary account holder retains this responsibility.

Impact on Credit Score

Being an authorized user can influence one’s credit score in several ways:

  1. Positive Account History: If the primary cardholder has a history of timely payments and a low credit utilization ratio, being added as an authorized user can positively boost the user’s credit score. This beneficial history, in essence, becomes part of the authorized user’s credit report.
  2. Credit Utilization: The amount of credit used in comparison to the credit limit (credit utilization ratio) is a vital component of credit scores. If the primary cardholder keeps a low balance, it can be advantageous for the authorized user.
  3. Potential Negatives: If the primary cardholder misses payments or utilizes a significant portion of their credit, it could negatively impact the authorized user’s credit score.

Removing Yourself as an Authorized User

If you find that being associated with a particular account is detrimental to your credit, you have the option to be removed as an authorized user. Upon doing so, the account’s history might be wiped from your credit report, though this isn’t always instantaneous and can vary between credit bureaus.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does being an authorized user have the same weight as being a primary account holder in terms of credit scoring?

While being an authorized user can influence your credit score, its weight might be less than that of a primary account holder. Different credit scoring models might treat authorized user accounts differently.

2. Can an authorized user make changes to the credit card account?

No, an authorized user cannot make major changes like increasing the credit limit or adding other authorized users. Their capabilities are generally limited to making purchases.

3. Do all credit card companies report authorized user activities to credit bureaus?

Most major credit card companies report authorized user activities. However, it’s essential to check with the specific issuer to understand their reporting practices.

4. How can I check if an account I’m an authorized user for is on my credit report?

By obtaining a copy of your credit report, you can review all accounts listed and identify any where you are an authorized user.


Becoming an authorized user on a credit card account can be a double-edged sword. While it offers an opportunity to benefit from a positive credit history and increase one’s credit score, it also comes with potential pitfalls. It’s crucial to understand these dynamics and regularly monitor your credit to ensure your financial journey remains on the right track.